Je veux (I want)

by @smudge

Skirmish: Hinterhand (@mashala)
There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

#lyricsinfrench #foreignlanguage #skirmish
I know some french and just went for it. I did correct a couple of words after writing it. There's something magical about writing in another language. A new part of the brain. Cool skirmish idea. Btw, I translated the French into English and the English is below the French version.


Je veux

Je veux aller au fôrest
M’asseoir dans les feuilles
Au sous-sol
Du ciel

Je ne veux pas parler aux gens
Marcher dans les rues
Acheter les vetements
Du tout

Je veux voir les oiseau
Au bord de la mer
Senter les vagues
Tout seul

Je ne veux pas voir la télévision
Écouter les nouvelles
Participer dans les politiques

Je veux

I want

I want to go to the forest
Sit in the leaves
On the basement
Of the sky

I don't want to speak to people
Walk in the streets
Buy clothes
At all

I want to see the birds
At the sea shore
Feel the waves
All alone

I don't want to watch television
Listen to the news
Participate in politics
Any more

I want


I don't know how this relates to the prompt (maybe you read it as "Hinterland"?) but nevertheless, I like the outcome and can relate to the feeling. We have general elections in Germany this weekend, and when contemplate the predictions and the probable outcome I sometimes just wanna leave the country and live a simple life in the countryside somewhere without having to think about the world being brought to sh*ts by dumb party politicians.
My thoughts exactly.
This sounds romantic. Is it the language do you think. Good skirmishing
Viva la patri! I forest bathe too
I can really feel your words about politics, cause french politic is really not at his best right now :D

Here is a quick correction for the lyrics, in case it could be helpful for you ?

Je veux aller en forêt
M’asseoir sur les feuilles
Au sous-sol
Du ciel

Je ne veux pas parler aux gens
Marcher dans les rues
Acheter des vêtements
Du tout

Je veux voir les oiseaux
Au bord de mer
Sentir les vagues
Tout seul

Je ne veux pas regarder la télévision
Écouter les nouvelles
Participer à la politique

Je veux