
by @berni1954


Liner Notes

The theme of the "Seasons for the Ukulele" was "Eating and Food". I have written several songs on that topic and so I was struggling to come up with an idea. But then my recent experiences with memory problems led me to wake up this morning with the line "It's eating up my memory…." on my brain. I came up with the entire chorus while lying in bed at 05:00 - not wishing to disturb my partner, Carmen, by getting up to write it down. Eventually, I dropped off to sleep again, hoping I would remember it in the morning. Luckily , I did. Then I got up and wrote the verses.

I watched Carmen's Dad go into decline with Alzheimer's, though it took it five years to eventually kill him and then I watched her Maternal Uncle go from his cheery normal self to full blown Alzheimer's in a matter of months. I suppose it was a blessing that he died of it within 6 months.

So, my memory issues have me concerned, but not yet as terrified as my narrator.

INSTRUMENT: Baton Rouge 8 String Baritone Ukulele

#fuc #baritoneukulele #8string #healthissues


Intro: (D) (A) (D)

It's (G) eating away at my memory
It's (D) eating away my pride
It's de(A)vouring all my brain cells
Eating (G) me from (A) the in(D)side!

There has (Bm) been no diagnostic
But (A) I don't see the need
I (Bm) know what's happening to me
These (G) symptoms don't mis(A)lead
I (Bm) take an age to remember things
Which (G) causes me such (A) angst
I hate the (G) lapses in my (D) thinking
The (A) moments my mind goes (D) blank


It's (Bm) coming on me slowly
Guess I (A) should give thanks for that
But I'm (Bm) terrified because I know
Where one (G) day I might be (A) at
I've (Bm) seen the empty eyes of those
I've (G) known with the dis(A)ease
Caught (G) in their private (D) prisons
With no (A) hope of a re(D)prieve

I'd (Bm) hoped that by the time I got
To the (A) age that I am now
(Bm) They'd have found a cure
With all the (G) latest know-(A)how
But de(Bm)spite the research into
Neural (G) stress or dental (A) plaque
There (G) is no current (D) method
That can (A) hope to turn it (D) back



Great lyrics and it’s nice to see you play and sing on camera. You’ve got a lovely clear sound. It sounds really good in my headphones.
it plays like a comic romp, but seriously addresses a serious theme. bernie is a stellar writer and musician and it is a joy to watch him perform with such energy and affability. but after the pleasure of the musical experience, we are left with our unavoidable thoughts on our physical and mental decay as we age. it doesnt have to be full blown alzheimer's for us to be concerned about memory lapses and common foibles such as forgetting to turn off the stove
Powerful stuff. Losing your memory and mind is a terrifying thing. The somewhat carefree strumming and happy chords help to alleviate the heavy subject matter somewhat. Powerful piece.