
Andrew Russell






Chosen, my first solo album, is now out! Chosen is a concept album about battling depression. You can find more details about it here: https://ajrussell.ca/

@lavishdude, an acoustic alt. duo with my good pal @thinkalto, has two albums out, Leading Off, and Lavish Dude Wants to Battle, where we re-imagine our favourite Dude Tunes as chip tunes. Check it out here! https://lavishdude.com/

What's next? I'm currently working on releasing a single "Every Day", a longer form song from FAWM 2024. I also have plans to work on a bluegrass / roots album with my sister. We'll see how that all works out!

I'm open to collabs of all sorts! I play many different instruments, sing, write songs, solos, lyrics, instrumentals, fiddle around with synths, do audio engineering things, and all in all look to have a good time with cool people. Yeah, that means you, you're cool too.




Got it, thanks!
Thank you for listening to "Hollow Dreams". It's been the first itme I tuned my guitar so low. It's been fun, but I also spotted that my .9 strings are super sloppy on the higher frets. Every part took me about 20 takes until I had something good enough, but I notice some subtle imporivement. Thank you for that :)
Hey Andrew, I had a hard time deciding whether I FAWM or not. My brain is foggy, and I'm fighting severe frustration. I'm happy how it's going so far. The metal songs helped me to get rid of some bad emotions, but I feel like I'm not done yet...

As for your songs... no worries about changing the time signatures. It doesn't sound like a mistake, it sounds like something that happened in the flow or even intentional. I would go completely crazy recording a song like that. I rely so much on my DAW and my song structure helpers... on paper - absolutely no chance! You don't want to know how many takes I do and how much I cut to get something decent...
okay got it all! It went to spam
Yes...I've got nothing so far and I have no idea why. I checked the lint trap and everything. Try the other address, please.
Hi, Andrew! I'm stitching a cappella song 7. Please send me your part as an mp3 to nancy ((dot)) rost at gmail. Thanks!
Hey @deadhead I did not recieve an email with an attachment ...erbaer.music@gmail.com
Looking forward to the corporate team building conference!
Good to see you again Andrew!
Welcome back Andrew! I hope you're doing great. Are the lavishdudes back? Happy FAWM!

(But, like, for real this time)