by @sentense
Liner Notes
#instrumental #percussion #frogdrum
@karan and friends got me a "Frog Drum" [edit: i put a video of me improvising on the frog drum on my profile, if you're curious.] for my birthday in September. Since then i practiced to get it ready for FAWM, because it is my first percussion instrument that allows me to play melodies while playing "just" percussion. And i'm quite happy about the complexity it allows, even without layering (yes, this is a single track)
So this is my first "serious" try to do that. Since 2 years i fly a drone and love the unique perspective on things this thing offers me. And that's what i had in mind for this piece.
Super schöner Sounds. Startet man sofort mit milden und wilden Träumen. Merci dafür.
I would never had guessed that this was a single track! That's what you get when you mix an excellent percussionist with a beautiful instrument with lots of natural reverb. It's both energetic and immensely relaxing at the same time. I think there's something hypnotic about the underlying rhythm.
Sehr schön!
Sehr schön!
Ok unerwartet, aber dafür umso schöner. Bin sehr hingerissen. Und der Drohnenflug passt wirklich sehr, ich seh es regelrecht vor mir. Mega!
This is really cool! It definitely captures the vibe of flying, with a nice sense of forward motion and just the right amount of tension. There's definitely an introspective quality to the timbre of the drum, which you've utilized nicely.
@sentense :: I just watched your little improv video. What a delightful instrument! I think I've seen them (or, at least, something very similar) in a local music store but I'm not a percussionist and so have never looked into them with more than passing interest. But you handle it with great skill. Truly lovely!
Wonderful. The melody/resonance work mixed with pure percussive sounds is really impressive. Makes want to buy a fog drum, haha.
Thanks for that very soothing listen! <3
Thanks for that very soothing listen! <3
Ich muss nochmal was sagen. Deine Impro beeindruckt nachhaltig, das musste sich bei mir erstmal setzen. Du machst mich - unübertrieben - sprachlos. Ich weiß längst, dass an dir ein klassischer Filmmusikkomponist (und damit richtiger Komponist: Ich meine Musik) verlorengegangen wäre, würdest du etwas Zeit und Geld in die Ambition investieren. Aber wie viel perlende Melodik du im Kopf hast, wenn du trommelst, zeigt sich erst bei diesem neuen Instrument (das dir mindestens so auf den Leib geschrieben ist wie dein Luxuscajon)! Von deiner Fingerakrobatk ganz zu schwelgen.
Du offenbarst dich hier als ein Mozart der Percussion. Ich verneige mich. Es ist echt sowas von wow!
Du offenbarst dich hier als ein Mozart der Percussion. Ich verneige mich. Es ist echt sowas von wow!
I LOVE, LOVE LOVE this! You have made this instrument your own in such an amazing way. Can't wait to take it to the stage together! :-)
Yes, this piece reflects the freedom and beauty of your amazing drone videos, the change of perspective offered by seeing things from above.
Yes, this piece reflects the freedom and beauty of your amazing drone videos, the change of perspective offered by seeing things from above.
Hey, was für eine Überraschung! Schon mal, dass du so früh am Start bist. Vor allem jedoch mit so ganz neuen Tönen ... Und sie klingen absolut wunderbar! Echt ein tolles Instrument. Und es scheint dir sehr zu liegen. 😀
This is so pleasantly motivating! I love the tone of the drum, so calming!
Oh, schööön! Ja, das klingt nach Fliegen. Die aufputschende Percussion und die entspannende Melodie machen zusammen sowas... mir ist nach Tanzen.
This is the COOLEST sound. I was hypnotized from the moment it started. I love it! (Also I have to take my hat off to your syncopation skills. Very impressed that this is a single track.)
love it! nice atmo :)
@nightwing521 and @pooka: i updated my profile and added a little video there i made some time ago where i show the frog drum and do a little improvisation.
I too had to look up what a "frog drum" is ... and didn't find a good answer. Some sites indicate it's a sort of tongue drum; others that it's more like a steel pan.
Whatever, the music definitely evokes flight. Lovin' it!!!
Whatever, the music definitely evokes flight. Lovin' it!!!
Wow, very interesting sound of the drum! I like it! :) Congrats on your first Song this year!
I will admit to having to look up what a frog drum is, though.
I will admit to having to look up what a frog drum is, though.
Great music to accompany a drone flight. Perfect