Leistet Widerstand / Put up resistance

by @karan

Liner Notes

Germany is in trouble. The conservatives are swaying towards right-wing extremism, and the neo-fascists are grasping for political power. Today, I marched with 6000 of my fellow citizens through our home town Würzburg, shouting and chanting for the human rights. This song is dedicated to all who take to the streets these days, all over the country. There will be a general election in three weeks. Let’s hope and pray that reason and compassion will prevail!

#singersongwriter #german #withtranslation #political #protest


Sie haben einst geschworen:
“Nie wieder Faschismus im Land!”
Ich bin viel später erst geboren,
aber hab’ zu diesem Schwur mich stets bekannt.
War das alles nur gelogen?
Die Nazis zeigen offen ihr Gesicht.
Ich fühl’ mich betrogen.
Ab jetzt wird Widerstand zur Pflicht.

Ich widerstehe der Verzweiflung,
die mich ganz mutlos machen will.
Ich widerstehe meinen Ängsten,
schreie laut und bleib nicht still.
Ich schreie: “Lasst Euch nicht verblenden!
Begreift, was die Geschichte lehrt!
Was grad’ beginnt, kann böse enden,
wenn Ihr Euch nicht dagegen wehrt.”

Drum leistet Widerstand!
Leistet Widerstand
mit Worten und mit Taten!
Lasst Euch nicht noch mal verraten!
Leistet Widerstand!
Leistet Widerstand!
Wir widerstehen Hand in Hand.

Heute gehn wir auf die Straßen
und blockieren den Verkehr,
wir ziehen singend durch die Städte
und wir werden mehr und mehr.
Es gilt, das Menschenrecht zu schützen,
kommt, schließt Euch an und seid dabei!
Es wird am Ende allen nützen,
denn nur gemeinsam sind wir frei.

Drum leistet Widerstand!
Leistet Widerstand
mit Worten und mit Taten!
Lasst Euch nicht noch mal verraten!
Leistet Widerstand!
Leistet Widerstand!
Wir widerstehen Hand in Hand.


They once swore:
“Never again will there be fascism in this country!”
I was born much later,
but I have always stood by this oath.
Was it all just a lie?
The Nazis are openly showing their faces.
I feel betrayed.
From now on, resistance becomes a duty.

I resist the despair
that wants to make me despondent.
I resist my fears,
shout loudly and don't stay quiet.
I shout: "Don't let yourselves be blinded!
Understand what history teaches!
What is now beginning can end badly
if you do not fight against it."

So put up resistance!
Put up resistance
with words and deeds!
Do not let yourselves be betrayed again!
Put up resistance!
Put up resistance!
We resist hand in hand.

Today we take to the streets
and block the traffic,
we march through the cities singing
and we are growing in numbers.
We have to protect the human rights,
come and join us!
It will benefit everyone in the end,
because only together we are free.

So put up resistance!
Put up resistance
with words and deeds!
Do not let yourselves be betrayed again!
Put up resistance!
Put up resistance!
We resist hand in hand ...

© Karan 2025


Yes. Also, I'm glad you are writing your songs in German--that seems important, especially given what you're saying.

This song--your picking style and voice and lyrics are just incredible. I'm blown away. I would listen to you any day. Your passion is so plain in your voice, and in the strings. May these words motivate all who need it.
I sense your passion and determination in your voice. Thank you for including the translation. Strong, beautiful words. And so is everything about the song. Beautiful. Stay strong. Resist!
Well done Karan
Very poignant and heartfelt
I as well am worried about my country slipping into facism
When it seems like we are powerless, a powerful song can give us hope
Thanks so much for putting this into words. Well said (and played and sung!)
Wir wünschten, dass dieser Song nicht nötig wäre. Ist aber leider so. Daher danke für die klare Botschaft, genau so ist’s. Toller protestsong. Super Start in fawm 2025.
I so wish this good song wasn’t needed. And that you didn’t need to march. I fear it is not that they haven’t learned; it’s that they actually want totalitarianism and worse. Sigh.
Bäm! So isses. Wir werden wahrscheinlich viele Protestlieder brauchen, um uns durch die nächsten Jahre zu bringen.
"Resistance becomes a duty"-- yes. Thank you for standing up and marching.
This sounds like one of those classic protest songs that really get people to act. Nice guitar fills and clear-as-a-bell vocals. Powerful!
It is so sadly absurd that I left the United States and moved to Germany a few years ago, and thought for sure that based on their histories, and what used to be honest education of their past failures and *lessons* they would not repeat the past. Unfortunately, it is not looking good for either country, and many others in the world now too, so yes! Protest! Yes, take any and all kinds of actual *action* to prevent things for going so wrong again. Thank you for your inspiration! And as always... your voice and songwriting are stellar!
This brings back to me all the protest songs I've sung over the years. Stirring, effective and even a little haunting, given the subject matter.
Jup. Gut, dass du so klare Worte findest. Und musikalisch ist dein Song auch sehr gelungen.
Genau so nämlich!!!
Toller start <3
This has a hugely Weimar Cabaret feel to it, for obvious reasons I guess. I hope the story has a better ending though...
Oh wow Karan, this song speaks the feelings of my heart. The guitar rhythm is perfect, makes it feel like it could fit right in with the classic Italian resistance songs, for example.

(OMG, just as I was writing that, you sang "Wir widerstehen Hand in Hand" – what a FANTASTIC double meaning in that line! I can't express how much I love it.)
great work! I don't speak German at all, so I'm glad you provided a translation- and I hope that your country has better luck resisting right wing fascism then we here in the usa currently. its a subject on everyone's mind these days all around the world (my first song here was about this kind of thing as well, and what may have led to it)... and i'm sure we'll all be writing more of these types of songs. recording is direct and effective- nice work, hope it somehow becomes a hit record! (even tho i wish there was no need for songs like this)
A very stirring call to action!
Schöner und notwendiger Start
Ach, du singst mir aus der Seele! Und so souverän, wie du das tust, möchte eins meinen, du hättest seit je nichts anderes als solche Songs gesungen! Aber es ist ja auch nötig. Und es gelingt dir vorbildlich. Und, Mensch: Gut, dass du da bist. Ohne dich fehlte mir was hier (um es mit britischem Understatement zu sagen). Ein würdiger Start!
Karan! You are here!! I wish I could say that I don't relate to this...but I do, same problem here and I am considering collecting passport and documents to leave if we have to. I am proud that you stand up for your beliefs and love the song, it has passion and purpose in its words and meaning.
Wonderful! I'm with you.