en Poesy

by @complexissimple

NSFW Skirmish: Mine the Poets (@dudachris)
There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

#fawm #poetry #lyrics-only (for now) #SongsAboutFawm

Is there a tag for songs about songwriting?

I don't think I followed the skirmish prompt as written, but I was inspired by it. That counts as something, right?

I think I would consider performing the last line optional, depending on whether it feels right to be a potty-mouth or not.


En poesy
We belabored
Bent we to task with will
Forswore to talk with neighbors
Lent we our ears not elsewhere
Grindstone to nose we favored
Did we ourselves an ill?

En melody
We contemplated
Lost in imaginings
While outward selves grew wasted
Touch-truncated, and trembling
Kept we so isolated
For us will none now sing?

En theory
We persisted
By madness of dictation led
Cryptic symbols interpreted
Arcane coding tweaked to fit
Unintelligible, we created
Can what we've written be not read?

En harmony
We concocted
Legions from but our ones
Spawn that could span the octaves
Ghosts with contrivance-voices
Companions soon unconstructed
Then are we ourselves undone?

En alchemy
We combinéd
Disparate elements we force-fit
This to that by whim consignéd
From distant, darkened studios
Racing time to seem refinéd
Outside, matters it one whit?
(Or is what we've writ all shit?)


Super intrigued by the narrative voice here. The phrasal construction seems to be from a bygone era, but it reads authentic to me - there's an internal consistency that makes it sound like you're not just shaking things up to be cool.

The byproduct of this is several brand-new sentences, which I love to discover. 'Spawn that could span the octaves' is the best in a competitive field, and the ensuing lines have a marvellous flow despite the unusual arrangement of words.
It's so easy to fall into the trap of needless worry (I do it all the time!) - I enjoyed your lyric, especially the old-english style.
Delightful! "For us will none now sing?" Great line!!!

Good write!!!
Even if it is all shit, I think we are better for it. That's why I am here and I really like this. In my mind it is definitely not shit 💩