Was it a car or a cat I saw?

by @lonelyrobot


Liner Notes

Inspired by the palindrome challenge to do a sort of palindromic structure with a palindromic title. It's a bit rough and ready but I'm happy to be off the mark!
#postrock #instrumental #challenge


Ooh, the palindromic structure is a clever idea! I enjoyed this one... you've created a really rich musical landscape.
Lovely stuff with dynamics for days. Great to hear you again.
Some tasty clean guitar tremolo picking here that's giving me all of the EITS feels. The love the rise and fall of the dynamics at your control here, there's some really captivating beats in there too
What a great idea to have a palindromic structure. It's a great listen, very satisfying to come back around to the beginning again. (I wonder though, which was it? Car or cat? :D)
I like the symmetric structure, where the first half it is "growing" and the second half it returns back to the original. That makes it kind of a "out and back" kinda experience. As if the space outside the song is the safety of home and the song is a venture outside the ordinary world. Then ending is very much "coming home, back into safety".

Very interesting take on the challenge.
Really nice! Love the idea of applying the palindrome thing to post-rock. Works beautifully!
ooooh I like this, a bit ASIWYFA-y, some great overlapping guitar stuff going on here and mixed really well with the amount of different stuff going on. The palindromic structure works well, building up to the heavier middle and then coming back down. Enjoyed this a lot!
Not too rough, it sounds good to me. I like the (only very slightly) ragged edge to it. Seriously, this is a cool one.