
by @jeremykazoo


Liner Notes

I wrote this song during a break from writing yesterday while making something to eat. The air fryer timer was giving a satisfying "tik tik" and I was inspired by trying to get the pickles out of the back.

I'm not a great uke player but I wanted to hit up #fuc

#ukulele #funny #onetake


Cleaning out the fridge ain't easy to do
Especially when no one throws away any food
trying to make a sandwich but it’ll wait till this afternoon
Because cleaning the fridge is something I gotta do.

Cleaning out my closet isn't easy for me.
Because there's always something useless I want to keep.
Maybe I should give up and burn everything I see
Because cleaning out my closet isn't easy for me.

My homes a mess and I gotta get my shit in line
But I have better things I'd like to do with my time.

Cleaning out my fridge ain't easy to do.
Maybe ill leave this spilled soda there for you.
There's no space to put anything new
I guess cleaning the fridge is something ive gotta do.


This song speaks to me. I need to do this chore. There are things lurking back there, in the cold, dark, murky recesses.
Great rhythm on the #ukulele (might want to fix your hashtag). I like the lyrics being so relatable and hint at a bigger idea. Nice job.
Do you have a camera in my house? A relatable struggle! Yes, the pressure to get it done before it gets worse is felt in your lyrics. We just gotta get’er done.
Priorities, priorities! I see no problem here. The seriously rhythmic and unrelentingly persistent backing pushes and pushes and pushes! Don't give in to its cleaning demands!