I'm Not A Sinner Bound To Eternal Flames
NSFWLiner Notes
#deconstruction #hell #nsfw #religion #christianity #exvangelical #freedom #indierock #indie #driving #hopeful #bibleverse
Im Not A Sinner Bound To Eternal Flames
c2025 steven wesley guiles
fawm song #2 - recorded on Protools machine at John Cash Studio
hugely inspired by the groove of Genesis Owusu’s song, Drown.
This song was born as a desire to simply create a groove anywhere near as cool as Genesis Owusu's song Drown. The drums and bass and vibe of that song were what propelled me to record record this. So, the very first thing I did was use EZ Drummer to program a drum beat. I did the kick and snare first, quantized, then added the hi hat. The drummer for Drown has such a great hihat part. I couldn't figure it out really, but I got close enough for the vibe I wanted.
I then added bass. Tried a few different things, but I got the drive I wanted. A little bouncy till the chorus. Then I added some keyboards because the Owusu song had keys that were really cool. Mine are more subtle. Then I added in elelctric guitars, one hard left, one hard right. I also added a lead to the intro because it felt too long otherwise.
I improvised some vocals that were just nonesense words, then I had an idea of what I wanted to talk about: my previous fear of hell. I spent a large chunk of my life genuinely afraid of going to burn in an eternal lake of fire. That was how I was raised. I no longer am held by that fear and feel more peace than I ever felt in church. (I still have some amazing friends that are still actively in church - but I can no longer support churches and how they treat those that are less than - I'm so glad that some of you awesome FAWMers are "not that kind of Christian").
Im Not A Sinner Bound To Eternal Flames
c2025 steven wesley guiles
fawm song #2 - recorded on Protools machine at John Cash Studio
hugely inspired by the groove of Genesis Owusu’s song, Drown.
#deconstruction #hell #nsfw #religion #christianity #exvangelical #freedom #indierock #indie #driving #hopeful
verse F-G
chorus C-F
i won’t hide, hide, got one shot
I can sigh, sigh a whole lot
I can try, but what’s stoppin you?
we can see the fire it’s burnin
told us all we had this yearnin
only god himself could fill the hole
i could say a million prayers
and i think i probably did
i bent my head down oh so low
and heres what I think you said
you’ll never be good enough
you’ll never be pure
you’ll never see the promised land
you’ll never find the cure
you’ll never touch the streets of gold
you’ll never feel secure
you’ll never get that promise that you heard
when you were sure
you’ll never hear me say
“well done, thou good and faithful one
now enter in today”
I don’t need that now, i’m fine the way I am
I can hear the sound as the preacher say amen
and it don’t scare me now, and I know I’m not to blame
i’m not a sinner bound to eternal flames
Great song with tons of potential. I hope you finish it. The world needs to hear it.
Anyway, song is so rad! So catchy. I love your vocal harmonies and the layers you have going on here. Such a great groove, had me nodding along the whole time!
Edit: like your other commenter here said, that "I don't need that now" part is totally and immediately stuck in my head. This is a very, very good song.