Nothing but Sunshine

by @wacha

Skirmish: Good Vibes Only (@guitargabe)
Nothing but Sunshine

Liner Notes

This is for the prompt "Good Vibes Only", I almost skipped this one but I'm really glad I didn't. I approached this one as love and happiness being a protest. So I get to be a surly Gen Xer and still write a happy song. I kind of felt a bit like Liz writing this and it was a very nice feeling.

I was trying to record this to a click and struggled so I went without it for the demo. The guitar was recorded in one take as were the vocals. The first chorus has the vocals and guitar because there was no way I was getting that start right if I didn't do it that way. There's a nit of mastering on it but that's for effects.


D Major

Chorus - D bm f#m A
Verse - G D G D A

Nothing but sunshine
From now one
Nothing but good vibes
Going on

We'll all make it
If we try
Stay together
For the ride

There ain't nothing
That could tear us apart
We've got love
In our hearts

Nothing but sunshine
From now one
Nothing but good vibes
Going on

We'll all make it
If we try
Stay together
For the ride

Divided, we'll never be
I've got you
And you've got me

Nothing but sunshine
From now one
Nothing but good vibes
Going on

We'll all make it
If we try
Stay together
For the ride

Stepping out of the machine
Standing up
To be seen

Nothing but sunshine
From now one
Nothing but good vibes
Going on

We'll all make it
If we try
Stay together
For the ride

Everyone's welcome to be here
From strangers
To those held dear

Nothing but sunshine
From now one
Nothing but good vibes
Going on

We'll all make it
If we try
Stay together
For the ride


I love an optimistic song that isn't overtly bubbly and you nailed it. I love the idea of stepping out of the machine, it conjures such a shift in perspective for me. And I like how you use the lower end of your range and how it highlights the first line of the chorus so well.
Love the positive vibes. In the last few years I’ve really tried to be more positive and it had a significant impact on me and those around me. Not always easy to do but worth the effort. Thanks for writing and sharing a song full of happy thoughts.
"Surly GenX" is the perfect description of this tune!

"Nothing but sunshine" might be the most joyous melody I've heard from you, and an amazing 1st line. Then with the very next line your (our) GenXness comes through, b/c you (we) don't really believe in that kind of pure, genuine positivity.

But that take doesn't disagree with
"There ain't nothing
That could tear us apart
We've got love
In our hearts"
I do .absolutely. believe you.
Aw! This is a little ray of sunshine… love the progression in the chorus. Totally brightened up my day! And catchy! I suspect I’ll be humming this for a while…
Really glad I came back to check out some from this skirmish! It is such a treat hearing them all and this one is high on the highlight list. Thanks for brining the love and spreading the joy 🙏
a sweet one
It’s nice to get a happy one out! But yup it’s darn hard! Yup we can get older and grumpier but there is plenty to be grumpy about! Nice lightener, well done, there is are some really lovely changes in there, a bit isaak.
I really like this, it's very catchy and I think it's a keeper. The first half of the chorus particularly is very strong. Great work in such a short space of time. :-)
It’s not solemn, but the earnest tone is subdued — doesn’t give me bad vibes, though. Mellow good vibes. I like it.
Solidarity rocks here! A catchy and wonderful song :)
Very good in a short time! A great song in 60min and even faster...
Great catchy chorus. I like the idea of love and happinesss as a protest song!