Lay Waste

by @clenig17

Liner Notes

Sociopolitical commentary

1 Down!!


Lay waste

Ancient assassins
A right of passage
Trapping the truth
Subtle saddeness

A burden of proof
Remaining aloof
Burning, crashing
Compulsively thrashing

Lies or storytelling
That seem compelling
Blindly marking time
Lockstep to our demise

Clicking clicking clicking
Time’s ticking ticking t
We rewind with increasing
Intentions to find out
Where we belong


Let me out
Let me out

I’m going through
The wall

Letting go
Letting down

Kick the doors
Kick the walls
I’m breaking out


Nice! The bass and drums work together to form a solid bedrock for the emotional vocals and the ensuing wall of sound. Love the vocoder voice at the end and the ribbidy bassline.
I dig this brilliant bass!
The whole song is so … great! It sounds like a little Opera! Reminds me of Muse but also Queen!
Wow! Impressing!
Exceptionally funky. I didn't expect the rock part after that funky bass and e piano. Feels like a song you had to get out of your system. The bridge / ending is super cool!
Your lyrics are abstract and concrete at the same time.
FuNKy, roCkeR!