Ash Upon The Ground
by @lbrewington
Liner Notes
# Liner:
Started to get sick two days before the start of fawm which killed my desire to write. Big bummer, as I was was hoping to post a song on day one. At any rate, feeling much better today so let the posting commence.
This was an interesting song because I wrote it while sitting inside a parked car on a guitalele.
I got the idea for the hook while I was chilling with my daughter by a fire pit and she asked me what happens if the fire gets outside of the pit, and I told her there would be ash on the ground. I liked that phrase and naturally with the world feeling like it is on fire came up with this.
The image on this track is interesting as well. As mentioned I've been dealing with sickness at the house, so I found myself at the local pharmacy late one night. As I stepped out of my car, there in the gutter was this scene. I think it speaks for itself. Image here :
#SongSidekickSongCircle #Hot #songcircle
# Detail:
SSC : Hot
SSC : Jan 31 2025
Written : Feb 5 2025
start 430pm
finished 530pm
first record: 30 minutes
# Notes:
First recording with a new setup I've been working on using four mics, two of which are left / right. Thought it worked out well although need to work on getting a template or something set up in Reaper to quickly setup everything correctly.
Not a perfect take. Rooster in the third line and the fruit all around in particular not quite right.
Not sure what the point of the song is at the point, I guess it's suppose to be a warning? Perhaps sounds more like a retrospective.
Ash Upon The G round
[capo 5 gt]
drip drip drip
the spigots run dry
em am
the rooster refuses to cry
em am
the darkest hour is before the dawn
em am
we're still waiting for the sun to go down
dm am
there's a fire in the forest
dm am
there's ruin all around
dm am
this village we once built
em am
is just ash upon the ground
[solo over chorus]
em am
suppose to be an example
em am
a light upon the hill
em am
a refuge for the meek or proud
em am
a place i once called home
dm am
a seed of hate left unchecked
em am
spoils fruit all around
It’s wonderful how your daughter’s question-and her curiosity-led to a song idea. Maybe one that was already percolating.
Beautiful song! Love the photo, by the way. I am worrying we’ll have to start writing even more cryptically-or risk being detained.