Our Youth

by @zinglizh

Skirmish: A Sense of Longing (@mobiusx2)
There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

#lyricsonly #skirmish A Sense of Longing prompt


Freshly cut grass drifts through the lingering warmth of the summer
A reminder of days, time was unburdened, elusive and tender
An uncharted adventure

Where the future was a distant echo
And everything made us giggle
When laughter rang true
The promise of wonder and innocent youth

A fragrance of loss, a delicate whisper of childhood memories
A vanishing era, before the unreachable tethered our dreams
Before responsibilities

Where the future was a distant echo
And everything made us giggle
When laughter rang true
The promise of wonder and innocent youth

With sunlit afternoons and never ending days
Bike rides on slopes and secret hideaways
With Teddy Bear friends and race car collecting
Colorful blankets and night time story telling

Where the future was a distant echo
And everything made us giggle
When laughter rang true
Before responsibilities dampened our youth


This is so beautifully written and literally took me right back to my childhood. The chorus is especially poignant. So well done! I am really looking forward to hearing this one. Great skirmish!