
by @theawkwardsleep


Liner Notes

Well, consider this our protest song. The song has a sneaky sort of vibe to it, and it felt appropriate, given what's happening in our government here.

And damn, we're salty.

#fucktrump #electopop #psychpop #protest


Oh, we're salty,
They've got us right under their nails.

And we're salty,
Their billionaire breath on our sails.

Yes, we're salty,
Just battered, democracy undone.

And we're salty,
There's no way that this is our home.

He's chewed you up and spit you out,
Like all those billionaires fit for crowns.
Chewed you up and spit you out,
Like all those billionaires fit for crowns.
Chewed you up and spit you out,
Like all those billionaires—
Fit for crowns,
We're split like clowns.
Fit for crowns,
We're split like clowns.

Yes, we're salty,
Your imposter's not fooling us too.
And we're salty,
A strongman, a fraud, and a feud.

Oh, we're salty,
We're writhing, resisting, and burning with pleas.
Damn, we're salty,
Fighting his fists and autocracy.

Lights out, better get your tongues wagging.

He's chewed you up and spit you out,
Like all those billionaires fit for crowns.
Chewed you up and spit you out,
Like all those billionaires fit for crowns.
Chewed you up and spit you out,
Like all those billionaires—
Fit for crowns,
We're split like clowns.
Fit for crowns,
We're split like clowns.


Hey guys! I’ve been slacking a bit with listening.. loving the eerie guitar chord going on in the beginning. Bass is kicking nicely in the song. Really like the main riff for the verses. Fits so welll! Great vocals as always Ru. Excellent first song guys.
Great to hear you guys again! Love the atmosphere you've created with this. Dreamy with a definite sinister edge. Totally down with the sentiment too. Nice work!
Ooh, that bass is lovely. And a nice note of disdain coming through the sweet, teasing vocals. Sorry about the whole everything over there. What's the old proverb? Making music well is the best revenge? Close enough! Great to hear you both again.
So good to hear you guys again. I feel this protest song fully - so catchy! The dreamscape you carve out with those beats and building syth/guitar is so good. That chorus is absolute gold!
Welcome back, gang! So glad you're here. Ohh there's some scrunchy chords coming out of this. Getting real Thom Yorke early solo stuff vibes from this. The bassline with the double-track Ru in the chorus is so good, especially when you break onto into that vocal major chord on 'clowns'. It really sticks out in a good way against the darker vibes of the rest of the track.
Oh I really love this. The opening vocals are great but when the ‘chewed you up’ bit comes in, it really gets going. Great bass and clever and delicate use of synths.
Fantastic song!!
Spooky, the uncomfortable feeling of that static bass line against the chords matches the lyrics and the theme :/ Love the outro, stadium rock vibes
very juicy low end. high and mid-end too for that matter - you've filled the spectrum with all sorts of goodness. I need some avocado now.
Hello you beautiful people! Lovely to hear you again. Love the breathy exhales, fits the mood so well. Salty feels like an understatement but perfectly fits the vibe yes. Right here with you! Love the catchy outtro! Still need to cook up my own protest song but this is a great one.
Always glad to see you back here!
Love the super tight bass and murky, swirling guitars. The esque "aaah"s are a nice touch. This is probably the most seductive protest song I've ever heard, with all the writhing and tongues and saltiness. Are you sure this is a protest song? 😉
Always love the low end y'all bring. Feels like a film-noir-protest song. The musical changes keep it fresh. The lyrics keep it biting. And the voice keeps it flowing.✊🏼
Love the fit for crowns chorus/refrain! There's a lot of great stuff here, I like that bass line in the 'salty' verses too...I'd say well this is worth it if all this oligarchic fascist takeover bullshit is inspiring great songs like this, but of course I don't mean in and we're only doing it because we have to. But I'm glad you're doing it, anyway