June 16th 2017

by @smileymn

Liner Notes

#jazz #freejazz #improvisation #story #spokenword #clarinet #noise #dreams #freeimprov #freeimprovisation #jazzimprov

Matt Smiley - vocals, clarinet, guitar, bass, drum set, percussion


(Spoken Word Story)


I like the interplay between the guitar, high clarinet and the tuned percussion - in the seeming randomness little moments of beauty pop out. This comment was for 31st Jan - but the player seems to keep playing through tracks - I like Dec 31st more - I think because of the lower range in the clarinet.
@fuzzy Thanks! I tracked the drums first, and then built every piece around my initial drum/percussion improvisation. As I'm using my dream jouranal it's tough finding interesting ones, so many boring mundane dreams to skip over. A typical entry is "Hanging out with a specific friend, walking around outside, and talking about Star Wars," or something really basic like that, haha.
I find myself really enjoying these Free Jazz workouts, and the spoken word bits are awesome.
You really draw me in with the stories.
All of my dreams (that I remember) all have to do with weird complex buildings, so I can relate to this one.
Haha the high guitar bit at the end is super appealing.