Parking Witch
by @ohljazz
Liner Notes
We always jokingly call on the "parking witch" to help us find a spot on a crowded street. Of course it's all in fun, but after we found a particularly good space yesterday I wonder... As we walked to lunch I thought the parking witch deserved a song of their own. #guywithpiano #parking #spooky
I never believed in the magical
Preferred to be grounded in the real
Trusting in what I see around me
Solid like the road beneath my wheels
But on a crowded street
or shopping center lot
I'll make a supernatural pitch
A plea for assistance to powers unknown
I call upon the parking witch
I don't think they look like the storybooks
I don't think they're riding on a broom
Maybe they're standing on a Segway
Gliding like a spirit through the gloom
They don't need pointed hats
or cauldrons filled with newts
That's all a bunch of Hollywood kitsch
I know when I need it a space appears
A blessing from the parking witch
I haven't abandoned the logical
The science, the evidence and facts
But finding that spot beside the doorway
Surely seems like some mysterious act
I know there's no-one there
It's all a little joke
But now and then I sense a small glitch
A warp in the landscape that stops me cold
A message from the parking witch
Copyright © 2025 Oren Levine | Buffalo Bridge Music ASCAP