Future campfire jam #1

by @ayais

Liner Notes

A future group sits around a campfire. A slide guitar has made it through the cataclysm from the past, and onebody puts out a 10/8 rhythm. The rest is history ...

#future_campfire_jam #sniff_sonic


The slide guitar sounds marvelously weird in this context. I've never heard of 10/8, but it sounds good to me. I like the nonsense vocal and incredibly cool percussion.
This is a ride! The 10/8 percussion is groovy and beautifully lopsided but the assured guitar playing makes it sound balanced - if that makes any sense. Would like to know what the campfire singer is communicating through their song.
This made me smile!
Love all those different voices and sounds here! I can imagine a colorful group of people sitting in a circle round the fire and i want to join in!
Fun campfire jam, I'm in! Pass the bongos! Gotta be someone who can't restrain from showing off!