So Long, Spassky (Chapter 10)
by @aeye
Liner Notes
The Three Shards
Chapter 10: So Long, Spassky
So Long, Spassky
More than an hour into the talks, tensions still run high. The Shards interrupt each other, speaking out of turn, trample and demean proposals and ideas. But Spassky urges them towards an agreement of some measure– at least, a ceasefire.
They break for a few moments, Spassky is human – mostly – and needs to relieve himself. The others stretch and cautiously partake of the snack spread. Returning to the table, an eerie sense of dread passes over all of them like a lurking fog. Outside, notes of a sole violin reverberate in the corridor.
The doors blow open. And in the smoke and fire, wild, glowing, iridescent violin strings fly through the air, attacking anyone in reach.
(For those who missed last year's story, the violin strings of death belong to the villianess Smolskaya. She plays her violin upright infront of her and her strings will eliminate anything she chooses. She's also based on a weird occurence in state parks around Maryland of people playing violins in this manner while hiking the park trails. )
#cinematic #soundtrack #electronic #musicforimaginaryfilms #scary #film
Obligatory tangentiality: Mo, one of the central characters in Charlie Stross's excellent "Laundry" series of novels, owns a violin made out of bones. It contains a trapped demon. You do not want to be around when she starts to play it.
Your track, even in my zombie free game map, has enhanced my play exponentially. I legit am spinning around in the game in fear of a zombie being RIGHT THERE BEHIND ME - especially at those awesome moments like 1:10, 1:45, and 2:23. Those moments you build up...good grief they are so expertly done. Such IMPACT!
Reading the story here, I can visualize this Smolskaya character even though this is the first time reading about her; I'm AT THE CONFERENCE TABLE...about to be one of they sorry saps getting attacked; I hear the sharpness and the speed of the killer strings. You build up the mentioned dread in the air.
You play the emotions on and the sensations and experience on your instruments and get every single ounce of visual and feeling across perfectly, in my opinion.
You'd think I'd be used to how amazing ya'll are; but I find myself marveling every new FAWM or 50/90!
This is perfectly done.
And I know this isn't for a chase scene, its an attack scene per your liners, BUT...I swear I got a million zombies right behind me chasing me down...