Done With Crying

by @brisk

Liner Notes

Here's another lachrymose one - I was messing around on the piano yesterday lunchtime, and got the bones of this. The final section was a subsequent discovery while compiling the bits on the computer, and probably my favourite bit, if only because the dynamic swells on the sound libraries I use sound good.

#piano #end-with-some-oomph #harmony


These tears are paid for.


The gentle tapping of the cymbals in entry is very intriguing, the piano and the vocals entering the fray brings an almost late night jazz club feel! The content of the song matches that well too! That piano sounds so nice, I'm really enjoying that end of the night feel... love the drawn out 'greeeey' very atmospheric! Are you playing those drums? They sound perfect for the mood. The line 'these tears are paid for' is great Id love to see the rest of the lyrics written down to examine them more closely.
Excellent chorus! I love the way you use repetition. And this line impressed me: These tears are paid for. Nice!
When my son was younger, if he used a word like 'lachrymose', we would all clap his use of a wow word as the school insisted on calling them and we were all very proud of him. He was 27 years old and the deputy head of the English department, so it shouldn't have been as much of a big deal. (I jest. He was 6 and a classroom assistant). More good hashtag work here. It does rather get all big at the end doesn't it. It's very nice. Vocal great again. This is strong stuff. And you used a 'wow' word! Excellent work.
Yup the vocals just say listen, I’ve got something to say! And say you do. It’s very melodic and a really pleasant listen.
Oh lovely! The chord progression on the chorus is great. The bridge is a great build especially with the brass (?) patch added in. Loved listening to this!
I always love what you do with your vocal harmonies and phrasing. It resonates with me, particularly with your more sparse productions like this. This song is lachrymose indeed (I had to look up that word). I like your style and was glad to see you had another post. You've been in hiding...More please...