
by @michellelyons

Liner Notes

An #instrumental #grunge song, with some deliberately out-of-place #synth touches. At first quite pensive, then dramatic, then appears to fall over into a ditch but somehow leaps triumphantly right out of it.

This originally started out as a kind of grunge parody, then it went in a different and more sincere direction.


Yeah, those synths work really well juxtaposed against the guitars. This is awesome. I really loved the sonic journey this takes you on. Well done!

See You In The Shadows…
The synths over the churning grunge guitars is surprisingly effective! Really interesting sonic palette and I agree that it's cool that you never kick in the drums as there's plenty of rhythm in the guitars. Kinda reminds me a bit of some of John Carpenter's recent stuff.
Great open progression. I like that sound. That stereo (guitars?) effect. Great riffing just after 3. Was totally expecting some crazy loud drums to kick in at some point. Kinda cool that it didn’t. Kudos.
Very cool grunge sound to this. I particularly liked the "dramatic" middle part. Well done.