Meaning What You Say

by @theenglishassassin

Liner Notes

After some busy days and buggering about trying to get #morsecode bass lines to work, I thought, "sod this," strummed a few chords on my guitar and just started singing.
The end result is not finished, but I like where it's going and would love any feedback and ideas.
Please also post on YouTube (if you have time AND if it actually allows you to - it should)
Thank you in advance, you wonderful FAWMily 😀
#acoustic #singersongwriter #melancholy #choir #acousticguitar #notmyusualsynthstuff


Meaning what you say
Meaning what you say

There was a time
Not long ago
When words still had a meaning

A light of truth
Darkness of lies
And there was less deceiving

Meaning what you say
Meaning what you say

Corruption builds
And losers win
Which way are we all headed

Where facts dissolve
Opinions rise
The church and state are melded

Meaning what you say
Meaning what you say
Meaning what you say
Meaning what you say

We see the signs
We hear the words
Of history repeating

Don't look away
Nor bow your head
For there is no retreating

Move past despair
Grasp energy
Your power isn't waning

Stand with the weak
Stand arm in arm
For love is all-sustaining

Meaning what you say
Meaning what you say
Meaning what you say
Meaning what you say
Meaning what you say
Meaning what you say
Meaning what you say
Meaning what you say


Resonates with me also.SO tired of innuendo and misdirection , so much it is difficult to navigate. 🇨🇦
Love this, it's so contemplative and peaceful while going over some sad truths. Love the simplicity of the message, and I'm with you. Those chorus' are so beautiful! Love those distant vocals. You should be proud of this piece.
Really like the uplifting feel in the music as it pushes for in sound what the lyrics ask for.
Sometimes there's nothing better than to just sit down with a blank slate and start playing and singing. This is a brilliant result. I love the sustained topline guitar chord (and later the choir voices) over that moving bassline. And the chorus refrain of "meaning what you say" is brilliantly simple. Honestly? I don't think you need to do a lot to this at all.
I really enjoyed the slow vibe of this tune, the lyrics (particularly the phrase “losers win”), and the performance. Your vocal reminds me of early New Order. Nicely done!