Musical Gift
by @raspberry33
Skirmish: Birthday Songs (@dudachris)Liner Notes
#skirmish #birthday songs
Oh, the clock keeps ticking faster and faster on these skirmishes. This is definitely not finished, but it's a start. This is about a couple that once loved the same music, but have gone down different rabbit holes. But, for a birthday present, the musician echoes punk and demo and rap and thrash and glitter cowboy (whatever that is) to please his love with what she likes.
MUSICAL GIFT (c) 2025 raspberry33
We grew up listening to all the same radio stations
Sharing a taste for the British Invasion and soul
Isn’t it funny now - that we’re older and wiser
We have gone different ways down the rabbit hole
You like what you like, and I will not drag you
Thru punk, and emo self-control
So here’s laid back rock – my musical gift to you
Such is the circumstances we find ourselves in today
Taste is a special thing no one should take it away
Isn’t it funny now - that we’re older and wiser
We have gone different ways following what we enjoy
You like what you like, and I will not drag you
Thru thrash and rap and glitter cowboy
So here’s some laid back rock – my musical gift to you