Love In Rome

by @sarahdevalliere

Liner Notes

#30seconds #instrumental #classical #romantic #piano
Really squeezed for time these days and have lots of bits of things but nothing complete.
Trying to just accept the fact that this year might need more quick bits of tunes I'm working on and record it on my iphone.... 🤷‍♀️
But I do like this... I probably stole it from somewhere lol but I'm looking at a sweet picture of my grandma and grandpa's wedding day in Rome where they are from, and they just look so happy and in love <3
Happy Valentines Day!


none, boo...


Oh this is such a promising melody. I can see this turning into a sweet song about love through the ages!
This is absolutely in how it ebbs and flows. Your touch on the keys is nuanced and tender, creating a romantic landscape befitting the title and liner notes.
I don't know how your grandparents looked like, but I can so easily imagine a couple from older times, in Rome, completely in love with each other. Very lovely tune!