
by @lbrewington

Liner Notes

# Liner

Wrote all the lyrics to a song and then decided to put a beat against it. This is different than what I would normally do, but there was a time I loved nothing more than sitting in my basement freestyling with friends, and this is a throw back to that. I think I'm going to throw some cowboy chords at this one and record it acoustic one take but for now it was fun putting the lyrics to a beat even if it is literally the corniest story you have ever heard. I am that corn.

#aibeat #henhouse #iambicpentameter

#sidekicksongcirlce #iambicpentameter

#songcircle #iambicpentameter

This song is not iambic pentameter. 😂

# Details
written: 2/15/2o25
started: ~1:oo pm
end: ~2:oo pm
final demo: 2:47pm

# Notes
Used the beat generator at : https://soundraw.io/edit_music?length=180&tempo=high&genre=Drill

Yes this is an AI type things but very few in the genre make their own beats.

130pm : GM7 + Bm7 + F#m7 + GM7


Rain clouds on my drive in
Shaking off raindrops while i'm stepping in
"Discovering Shakespeare" at the day camp classes

Julius sas to take a seat
while the girl in pink goes tippety tappty
o how did i find myself here
it's an iambic pentameter kinda feel
the fox is in the henhouse
so come on in

they love the way i spoke of love
the way the words fell off the tip of my tongue
when i played my guitar
the earth stood still
the honnies hit the hight notes
my beats are always drill


it wasn't long before we hit the road
whiskey bottles, red bull cans, all stack against us
we got a troupe together
we touring the land
dancing and sing, poetry reading
you gotta come see us
you can dance for free,
you can yell at us



Lee - This is so great. I read the lyrics first and was singing along with some cowboy chords of my own and then listened to your beatbox rendition. Kind of wild to see how completely different the feeling is. Makes me want to take everything I write and try it out in three or four radically different genres...The lines are great. Amazing what you're able to pull off in an hour.
wow different take... cool story if i am getting it right, a contemporary bard and a familiar feel from my days of youth theatre residential courses etc... very cool! and gtsy here :)
Oh, favourite line is early on: the bit that goes from tippety tappety to the iambic pentameter feel - such a unique progression of thoughts but effectively evocative too. Love it!
Mmm this is really fun to hear. I had a window in my younger days when I loved to rap too but I don't have the know how to put a beat together in that kind of style lol. Really fun to hear though 🎧 👍