The Unnamable

by @citizin

The Unnamable

Liner Notes

#mathrock #oddtimesignature

Another song in the backlog brought to demo status.


Love the harmonies so much and your guitar has like a taste of twang that is just phenomenal. I’m a pretty basic ass geetar-er and am impressed with how musical your playing is. It’s never too busy (classical music and any genre with a lot of notes can overwhelm me cuz I’m a soft and simple punk) but I can listen to your stuff all day which I’m about to prove. Every section of this was just wonderful
How do you write stuff like this? Odd tunings + capo? Guessing the guitar line comes first and drums are composed over it?
Love the guitar work. It's always mind bogglilng to me how people come up with riffs like this. I really like how they sound, but I lack proficiency on the guitar to even attempt it, haha. Keep up the good work!