The Last Time I Saw My Face
Liner Notes
By William Fuller and Gary Sears, a plaintive #ballad #folkrock #altfolk #acoustic
They were no longer my eyes
Nothing was wrong with the mirror
I looked with some shock and surprise
And at least a couple of tears
Corrosion, decimation
Your leaving had filled me with fear
Things had started to change
At least that much was clear
It was no longer my nose
I thought I had to escape
You left me one beautiful rose
Pinned to the top of the drape
One day you were just gone
I’m not even sure why
I spent that last day at the harbor
Being blown by the wind through the sky
They were no longer my cheeks
When they melted into something new
I was finally disappeared
There was nothing else left to do
A snip and tug over here
A stretch and pull just in case
My mind lost and fading away
The last time I saw my face