Grow Fast, Grow Strong

by @cjk

Skirmish: Title prompt: "The Intern... (@carleybaer)
Grow Fast, Grow Strong

Liner Notes

When I first saw the prompt "The internal monologue of house plants" all I could think was 'I have no plants'. But then almost immediately I remembered Crowley from Good Omens and his plants. And then the song almost wrote itself. Too late for music, but I expect it to be a very easy piece.
Edit: The music is not as easy as I expected, and my voice just isn't up to the dulcimer right now, so my first try has to suffice.

#skirmish #plants #good_omens #filk #personwithdulcimer_Merlin


Grow Fast, Grow Strong

Grow fast, grow strong
show only your best side
Grow strong, grow fast
there is no place to hide

The demon gives us soil and light
and makes it very clear
if we don't grow the way he wants
we will have much to fear

Grow fast, grow strong
do not give him grief
Grow strong, grow fast
don't get a sickly leaf

The demon comes with water
and loud and angry words
he says if we don't sprout and thrive
he cuts us where it hurts

Grow fast, grow strong
let your petals bloom
Grow strong, grow fast
or you will meet your doom

The demon wants us healthy
he expects we do our best
and then there is that angel who
makes sure that we are blessed

Grow fast, grow strong
the demon is our sun
Grow strong, grow fast
our growth is never done

(c) 16.02. 2025 by C.J. Ueberall


So glad you remembered Crowley and his terrified plants!
Very creative take on the prompt. The lyrics are having dark tones, your music is lighter. Interesting song to listen to.
Good Omens is brilliant, and Crowley is one of my favourite characters.

I really enjoyed this song. It captures the essence of that scene with Crowley and the plants. I feel bad for them, really.

Nice work!
Thank you all for your comments on "Grow fast, grow strong", it has now a tune. @philkmills @willow1 @sherrycanary @andygetch @hummingbear @metalfoot
@carleybaer The first season of Good Omens is just great. Don't know about the second.
Well done. It seems like a perfect treatment of the subject, now that you've written it.
Yet another sign from the universe that I need to finally watch that show! This is hilarious without the context of Good Omens; I love the idea of a demon tending a houseplant, watering it but also threatening it with painful death if it doesn't grow. Great angle, thanks for being a part of my skirmish!
Nice and dark! Tag me when you put it to music please.
The fear and demands of the houseplant are very real in this internal dialogue. Very well done.
Oh wow, good on connecting the prompt to another creative work. I read the book a few years back and had forgotten about the plants. EDIT after music post: The vocal and dulcimer add a new dimension to this. Nice one!
The scary life of plants, the struggle is real. Like the easy flow of the lyrics, well done.
Cool narrative perspective and characterization of the plants. The battle between the demon and the plant is interesting.