Don't Be Fatuous, Jeffrey

by @dasbinky


Liner Notes

Sometimes there's a man... I won't say a hero, 'cause, what's a hero? But sometimes, there's a man. And I'm talkin' about the Dude here. Sometimes, there's a man, well, he's the man for his time and place.

What we forget is that, at its heart, The Big Lebowski is a love story. This track is an ode to that love story, and its sexy times.

#electronica #sexytimes #movies #lebowski #samples



They me back to so many happy memories of the cohen bros films. Great synth tones going on throughout this and a splendid set of choices of quotes. Loving the whip crack after ‘thorough’. Great write and terrific fun!
Omg! I think I say this at least once every FAWM but you’re a genius dasbinky. Perfection.
There can be no finer tribute to either the film or The Dude than this.
Mighty. Massive, Most excellent.
Came for the title, stayed for the synths. Love the samples. Johnson?
Cool production and the well placed dialogue samples gave me a big grin. Love that movie. It’s morning over here, so I don’t have a White Russian ready, but I toast to this anyway!
This song really tied the room together for me and I’m not just pissing on it. Song is brilliant. Whatever gave you the idea for this? Whatever it was, this is brilliant. Well played.