I Hate You
by @roblyon5150
NSFW Challenge: MORSE CODELiner Notes
#FAWM #fawm2025 #morsecode #onetake This is what I came up with for the weekly "Morse code" challenge. I normally don't use total midi, but with everyone in the house asleep at the time, it was the easiest thing to do. Not like I'm keeping this one.
So, I actually found the code for "I hate you," Using MIDI to translate it into a song. And this is what I got...
I hate lying people.
I always trip over them.
I hate ironing shirts.
I hate the tesla truck
It's just too ugly.
I hate sausage too.
It's just the wurst!
And I hate you, too.
And I hate you.
Hate people that use big words.
Just to look perspicacious.
I hate wedding jokes.
The punchline is too long.
And all you people
That don’t love their fellow man,
Guess what?
I hate people who complain
About being single.
Most of my socks are single,
You don’t hear them bitching.
I hate plants,
That’s why I eat them.
If I wanted your perspective,
I’d stick my head up my ass.
@moeysullivan it did for this. But I'm still not a huge fan of using it in totality.