by @apersonnamedrose

Skirmish: TURN OFF ALL THE NOISE (@corinnecurcio)

Liner Notes

#4track #electronic

WARNING: this song gets really clippy and distorted after the 1:55 mark. Keep an eye on your volume knob!!

Uh... yeah, this isn't my best. I tried writing a song how paranoid I am every time I go out for walks at day or night, and I tried implementing those feelings into the music too but then it just kinda freaked me out too much and now I don't like it. HOWEVER, a song IS a song, and since I wrote this with intent to be part of a skirmish I feel like I kinda have to put this one up. My bad if you don't like it either - I feel like it's the act of creating a song-shaped thing that matters more than the quality of the song, and since I made a thing I figure it's in the spirit of FAWM to post that thing. Hopefully y'all see what I mean by that.

I accidentally pushed up the gain slider while doing the crazy synthetic kick/tom stuff at the end of the drum track and then I was like "eh, what the hell, I'll lean into it" which is why it like, distorts like crazy into that giant mess of sound at the end. I didn't actually run out of tape even though it cuts off, I just thought the loud bit went on for way too long and I thought it could be cool to cut it off like that. I think I only had like 20 seconds of tape left when it was done though so like, not really much I can do with that... time to open up a new blank cassette!


Birds call from the treetops
Am I being watched?
Trucks passing by
Could be part of a sign

Like a particle being observed
Not the first time I've said
Someone's spectating far away
I need eyes on the back of my head

Everybody's out to get me
I never had a choice
Still biting inside my mouth
'Til they turn off all the noise

Everybody's out to get me
I never had a choice
Still twisting at crunched-up leaves
'Til they turn off all the noise


Hypnotic groove, and great vocal delivery. Love the roto-toms that come in around 1:50, Definitely could extend and mix this as @autoclamp says: March is for Mixing.
Very original take on the prompt, never thought of birds as spies. Liking the instrumental ending as well.
This has such a cool vibe - what 4 track do you use (I've been messing with a Fostex and a Tascam this year, though not very productively!). The ending's cool! Loved this!
Birds aren't real, if it flies it spies.

Very cool, spoken word, beatnick vibe.
Mixing is for March (or March is for mixing, whatever). The unexpected pauses are just so cool, and this is positively dripping with mood and attitude. I think the distorted ending is extremely awesome, honestly, and the sudden cut off... you are very good at wielding both noise and silence to great effect. I really enjoyed it.
I think this is fun. I really enjoyed the spoken word lyric and backing. Worth keeping on your list for sure!