Purrs in space
by @ryuu
Liner Notes
Instructions for the best listening experience of this piece: Find a comfortable place. Sit or lie down. Put on some headphones and relax as a choir of alien cats walks around you purring.
Purrs: Selena the cat
Everything else: me
Code: https://framagit.org/emergent/fawm-2025-code/-/blob/main/ambi-purr/main.scd
Technicalities: This my first foray into Higher Order Ambisonics (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ambisonics). I still don't really know what I'm doing there.
The binaural rendering of the piece is optimized for headphones; even though headphones are only a rough approximation of what it would sound like in speaker dome (which I don't have either), they convey a better spatial image than a stereo loudspeaker system.
#experimental #supercollider #catcore #ambient #noiseart