Purrs in space

by @ryuu

Purrs in space

Liner Notes

Instructions for the best listening experience of this piece: Find a comfortable place. Sit or lie down. Put on some headphones and relax as a choir of alien cats walks around you purring.

Purrs: Selena the cat
Everything else: me

Code: https://framagit.org/emergent/fawm-2025-code/-/blob/main/ambi-purr/main.scd

Technicalities: This my first foray into Higher Order Ambisonics (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ambisonics). I still don't really know what I'm doing there.
The binaural rendering of the piece is optimized for headphones; even though headphones are only a rough approximation of what it would sound like in speaker dome (which I don't have either), they convey a better spatial image than a stereo loudspeaker system.

#experimental #supercollider #catcore #ambient #noiseart


This is a very cool musical experiment. Selena could be a session purrer. Cheers.
That's awesome!!! Selena did a wonderful job with the purring, and the ambient piece is delightful. I'm travelling in space, discovering the wonders of the universe, safely engulfed in the purring. The bells shine as they are echoing in the vastness. Purrfect!
Yeah, I dig that. The purring is oddly relaxing. And the belltones have a nice contrast. It's like brainyoga.
Weird strangeness and quite enticing for a former cat person. SLightly edgy but also relaxing, how can that be? (Must be the cat-reassurance). Ambisonics...thank you for expanding my musical education, seriously. I looked at the maths on Wikipedia and fled. Quickly. Last word: a gentle ambience to this. I'm sure it's the cat
Oh, this is very cool. I don't have the best headphones but I'm definitely getting the idea of the spatial image, and what a lovely bit of ambient weirdness (and I mean that in the best possible way) to vibe to!
Wow! Is this a real cat purring? Great! Everything else, too! Awesome atmosphere! What a wonderful idea.