Close To Citizen

by @randomparade

Liner Notes

Lyrics are a bit obtuse, but I was more or less going for a song about losing your identity in modern society. Becoming a "citizen" rather than and individual.
I figured the somewhat ambiguous lyrics fit in the early post punk vibe happening.
Maybe? Maybe not?
Feel free to comment and tell me your thoughts.

#indie #postpunk


riding high
sea of faces
lose her name
sameness closing in

riding high
tighten your laces
march plays on
your close to the citizen

you cannot hide
now your close to citizen
softening mind
now your close to citizen
your sense of pride
now your close to citizen
your close to citizen

color lost
noisy market
you catch her eye
no recognition

moment lost
fall to the carpet
no surprise
your close to citizen


Yeah, the post-punk vibe works well, and you execute that Joy Division sound perfectly. This has that same repetitive, hypnotic and fragile feel to it. And that's a big praise, as Joy Division is one of my favourite bands!
I think the match works well - I always like a bit of mystery in lyrics (rather than the Run, Spot, Run approach)
I didn't look to see if "identicide" is a real word - but I love it - and what it conveys (or means, if it is a *real world* word)