Song of the Season
by @karendemello · @kahlo2013
Liner Notes
Liz ( @kahlo2013 ) said she'd write me a haiku. I was expecting 17 syllables and got 68 gorgeous syllables (I think I sang 66 of them correctly).
If only I could sing and play piano at the same time! That is what these 4 haiku deserve. I've spent a few days on this and it needs a few more days of practice and refinement, though I'm finally at a point where I'm pretty sure you can imagine what it is supposed to sound like. Apologies for all of the wrong notes.
I love these lyrics. Liz, we've done something in the spirit of several of my favorites: Vivaldi (of course), Piazzolla (Estaciones Portenas) and Chin (Formosa Seasons) ~ thank you for surprising me with that!
Liz says: I’m grateful for the gift of music Karen brought to these haikus! I love the approach she took and her musical sensibility.
Song of the Seasons
(single note in bass: E - D; B - A; G)
fresh fallen white snow
windswept drifts with blue shadows
blank canvas of hope
(same as above, though this time 2 notes in bass)
lavender fields
sprinkled with yellow and white
hues and scents of growth
(low broken chords: C - G; C - am; C - D - G)
soft green rolling hills
inviting vibrant and vast
warm landscapes of home
(C - D; G-em; C - G)
amber and red trees
leaves floating in air and streams
safe times to let go (*oops - I sang "to go home")