Duck and Cover
Challenge: PUBLIC DOMAINLiner Notes
Full disclosure. I had a partly finished instrumental called Visigoth Invasion, which I just didn't know what to do with.
The #publicdomain challenge got me thinking about working some old recording into the instrumental. Duck and Cover (freely available from the Library of Congress) has been on my radar for a while, so this was the perfect excuse to mashup my instrumental with the weird and dark public information film.
Who knew that a nuclear bomb could burn you more badly than sunburn????!!!!
If you take a listen and want to comment, please also drop the comments into YouTube (if you have time). Thank you!
#electronic #duckandcover #nuclearwar #publicservicebroadcast
Love what you did with this! You made nuclear destruction danceable!
Be like Bert! Great idea, great track!
super fun! all the sounds are great.
I love how it goes into a rhythmic duck and cover at the end
I love how it goes into a rhythmic duck and cover at the end
Very creative and cool, like chaos all around as we duck to save!
the english assassin detonates the cheery warnings of 1950's public safety films by overscoring them with his own ominous premonitions.
Absolutely inspired. The track itself is frantic and quite menacing with those rising synth screams, but the editing in of the dialogue is absolutely brilliantly timed. What an amazing thing! Love it to bits.
Wow! What you’ve done here is brilliant! It’s hard to believe that such a film ever existed as non-parody. Your instrumental works perfectly with the footage, and I love what you’ve done with the voiceover. The whole thing reminds me of 90s rave classics like the dance versions of Speed Racer or Carmina Burana.