The Archer

by @ambroise · @nadine

Liner Notes

@ambroise (music)
Loved the epic medieval thing, which I never tried. Also, I liked how emotional we get with the character. These words were meant for metal, but I tried to achieve some sort of dirty raw traditional music instead.
I used the baglama for a treble melodic line because it sounds very medieval to my ears even if the instrument was invented in the early 20th century.
#baglama #eguitar #medieval

@nadine (lyrics)
Thanks for adding music to my lyrics, @ambroise. I see where your musical journey is heading. Your baglama really has some medieval vibe. Never heard that instrument before, but it's cool!


Under a black masquerade
and a leather breastplate
I don't feel like human any more
I lost the man I was before

Bending the arc
I am a dancer in the dark
Arrows shattering larks
I listen to the fire spark

Fear cuts deeper than swords, they say
Hurting deeper than any paper stain
I'm afraid – My arms don't obey

Disobedience, inconvenience
I won't hurt you any more
Or desert things I adore


Wow - a totally different sound for you! I like the distorted electric guitar combined with the traditional-sounding baglama. Like a medieval ensemble in a battle with a metal band! Evocative lyrics that really convey the olden vibe.
The music is very cool. It is an interesting melding of sounds. I kept trying to catch it all as I listened. Great lyrics. Dark and moody. This is super cool. Great collab!
That baglama with the fuzz soundscape makes for a real interesting sound…
I really like your voice @ambroise and while part of me wants to hear it higher in the mix, having to “lean in” to hear is a really cool effect…. Great work team.
Reads epic. Plays epic. Love what is happening with the arrangement, lining of perfect with the lyrics. And epic apparently can define electronica. Brilliant, folks!
Oooh! I like the dichotomy between the saturated electric sound and the snarky and sweet at the same time melody from the baglama. And I like your voice raw like that. ♥
So glad someone took a stab at this as these lyrics were very striking (pun?).
Very creative take with the instrumentation, very evocative, matching the strong visuals of the lyrics.
Some really cool polyrhythmic effects going on here musically. Strong lyric too.