Szkody Od Narcystycznej Matki

by @hmstreetteam

NSFW Skirmish: Toxic (@ajna1960)
There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

#lyricsonly #polish
This song lyric is about abuse and trauma, so don’t read if you are sensitive to those topics.
I wanted to write a whole song lyric in Polish this month, and thinking of toxicity reminded me that my first exposure to Polish was material on abusive relationships. Literally the first word I learned in Polish was “narcystycznych,” so writing in Polish about a narcissistic mother is a full-circle moment for me. I relied heavily on Apple for translation and didn’t have time in a skirmish to check every word, so some of the phrasing might be a little strained.


Dla przestępców izolatka trudna,
Więc wyobraź sobie skutki dla dziecka.
Jak uczysz się słów,
Kiedy nigdy nie słyszysz głosu?

Zagadka z twoimi odpowiedziami,
Szkody od narcystycznej matki.

W takim stanie nie ma pomocy dla nikogo.
Powiedzenie czegokolwiek stwarza większe ryzyko.
Co ludzie powinni robić?
Trzymają się z daleka, aby się chronić.

Zagadka z twoimi odpowiedziami,
Szkody od narcystycznej matki.

Muzyk musiałby opuścić moją grupę,
Gdyby jego rodzice zobaczyli moją matkę.
Który rodzic świadomie naraziłby dziecko
Na takie niebezpieczeństwo?

Zagadka z twoimi odpowiedziami,
Szkody od narcystycznej matki.

Większość przyjaciół nigdy nie widziała domu mojego.
Nie wiedziałem, jak nienormalne to było.

Zagadka z twoimi odpowiedziami,
Szkody od narcystycznej matki.

- - - - - English translation - - - - -
The Damage From a Narcissistic Mother

For criminals, solitary confinement is hard,
So imagine the effects on a child.
How do you learn words
When you never hear a voice?

A puzzle with your answers,
The damage from a narcissistic mother.

In such a state, there is no help for anyone.
To say anything creates more risks.
What are people supposed to do?
They stay away to protect themselves.

A puzzle with your answers,
The damage from a narcissistic mother.

A musician would have to leave my group
If his parents saw my mother.
What parent would knowingly put a child
In such a danger?

A puzzle with your answers,
The damage from a narcissistic mother.

Most of my friends never saw my house.
I did not know how not normal this was.

A puzzle with your answers,
The damage from a narcissistic mother.


I wish I knew how to pronounce Polish words so I could hear the melody of this. Alas...

I will say, though, this is an excellent example of trauma-surviving songwriting. I like it.
It's always so sad the realization of majority of our childhoods. Excellent writing @hmstreetteam 🙏🏻
Strikingly powerful writing - you capture your narrative so clearly, and evocatively - the story you tell is very moving.
First of all, it is incredibly impressive to see a whole lyric in Polish! That's awesome. I am going to be commenting on the translation, because of course I don't understand polish. This is so deeply sad and it seems to be really visceral. As a linguist, this line got me especially: "How do you learn words / When you never hear a voice?" There have sadly been court cases in which that question has been answered. Great skirmish, and I'm really sorry for everything that brought these lyrics about.