Stolen Goods

by @ambroise · @johnnycashpoint · @oxymore

Liner Notes

So my wife @oxymore is writing another fan fiction (she’s publishing her previous work on AO3 just now. Feel free to give her some kudos : and if you leave her a comment tell her you come from me)
It’s about The untamed, a chinese TV show. I recommend you watch it if you like 1) aerial sword fightings 2) magical murder mystery stories 3) Machiavellian character working in the shadows 4) boys love story cleverly implied in a country where homosexuality is even less openly admitted than in ours.
I stole her the line “I feel good, but it’s stolen goods” and pretty much the whole scenario of the song. And she suggested the two rhymes with “couch”.
Emperor’s smile is an alcoholic beverage from the story.
There is something with complicated chords that shout romance so I tried new shapes on my guitar looking for a more “jazz / bossa nova” sound.
@johnnycashpoint added a bass that I find sweet, bouncing and slightly ironical. I love this. Thanks !

#filk #romcom #wuxia #fanfic #the_untamed #12barslanblue #harmonica #phrygian #modal-challenge


You came to my place it’s more than I can swallow
You came to my place, it’s just for work, I know
It’s just the two of us what a party we’ll throw

It’s an experiment you say, you wanna try my drinks
I’m your host and there’s so much I don’t want to jinx
This host is crazy for you but you don’t know what he thinks

I feel good , I feel good
I feel good, I feel so good
I feel good, but it’s stolen goods

the first sip of Emperor's Smile hit you so hard ouch !
I saw your eyes go blurry then you stagger and slouch
And now you got me stuck under you on the couch


Ambiance jazzy très cool pour cette collab! Tu t'en sors aussi bien en Français qu'en Anglais :D
Nice song! The first line caught me in the story. I never watched the Untamed and i guess there are too many episodes for me. But i love librarian stories... so the fanfiction sounds interesting!
THANK YOU!! ♥♥♥ You perfectly transmitted the melancholic welfare WWX is feeling, trapped under his asleep beloved! 😄 Poor stupid them!
I love the jazzy sound with the guitar and the harmonica chiming in with support. The groove is great, and the story has humor and romance that goes well with the music. Nice job!
I find this very charmante!