All Hail the Leader
by @berni1954
Skirmish: Tense moment (@atornberg)Liner Notes
A late entry for the "Tense Moment" skirmish. There can be no more tense moment than that my narrator experiences in the last verse.
The whole is a dystopian nightmare that those who ignore warnings about fascism will likely have to live through.
Instrument: Kala FMTE-C (Low G)
PS I know the difference between "The Capitol" and "The Capital" the latter makes the song more universal and the pronunciation makes it more specific 😉
#fuc #ukulele #dystopia #political
(D) The ones who voted in the (G) Leader
Were (Bm) cheering in the (A) streets
The (D) opposition were (G) gutted
At the (Bm) size of (A) their de(D)feat
But (Em) once the procla(D)mations
Be(Em)came a sheer cas(D)cade
The en(Bm)thusiasm (D) of his fans
(A) Soon began to (D) fade
(And I heard one guy say:...)
"I (G) wore all the merchandise
I (D) sang the campaign songs
I (A) marched on the Capital
At the (D) head of the throng
I (G) didn't think the cuts
Would (D) ever affect me
I just (A) wanted our country
To (G) finally be (D) free"
(D) Now the Leader has taken full pos(G)session
(Bm) The power that he wields is off the (A) scale
The (D) slightest hint of criti(G)cism
Can (Bm) get you (A) years in (D) jail
They (Em) monitor your every (D) word
On your (Em) phone with the help of A. (D) I.
I was (Bm) on my way out (D) to the camps
When (A) I heard that same (D) guy
(G) "I voted for him man
So (D) why the plastic cuffs?
I'm (A) no snowflake leftie
Is my (D) hat not proof enough!"
But he (G) must have said something
That (D) proved his tongue was loose
For he's (A) here with me now
In this (G) box car ca(D)boose
(D) Now we're being herded into the (G) camp
There's a (Bm) machine gun on each watch(A)tower
There's a (D) rumour that we're being (G) led
To those (Bm) barracks to (A) take a (D) shower
"There (Em) must be some mis(D)take!"
I (Em) heard him say to some (D) lass
As they (Bm) locked us into the (D) washroom
And the (A) chamber began to fill with (D) gas
I was (A) laughing as I breathed my (G) last (D)
Anyway, I think this is an excellent song. Build up in the tension is great and just right. Sleepwalking to disaster.
Unlike @daveyboy103 , apparently, I don't see any humor in the extrapolation from today's (dubiously) legal wielding of executive power and tomorrow's bald-faced totalitarianism. 'Cos we know that it's never resulted in gas chambers in the past or anything...
Gas chambers? So glad you resisted the temptation to be hyperbolic. 😄