
by @daveyboy103 · @paulharrison

daveyboy103 +1

Liner Notes

from @paulharrison

You be the judge, but I'm not sure if this is song fodder or not. If anyone wants to put it to music, please let me know....I'll be fascinated in how you do it. I'm also game for just using parts, i.e., pick you favorite sections and/or maybe write a chorus or something else to connect the pieces. Regardless, comments are most appreciated. Happy FAWMing!

David: Ai used to convert my vocal to female, pretty effective I think and much better for the song's overall feel

#celtic #rock #ballad #acoustic #ai_vocals_conversion


I sometimes believe in innocence
Watching the kids at play
To see their joy and energy
No matter what time of day

Once I believed in loyalty
But loyalists can ignore truth
Try to quiet other opinions
Even the idealism of our youth

Once I believed in honesty
But our leaders clearly lie
Why should kids tell the truth
When famous grownups don’t comply

Sometimes I believe in religions
But too often they help cause war
They seldom seem to help things
Sometimes morals are ignored

I once believed a Christian life
Meant caring for each other
But our poor and needy neighbors
Are thrown out or left to suffer

I once believed that America
Stood against autocrats and kings
I now see that even here
What kind of leader wealth brings

I once believed in angels
I guess I still kind of do
Some say there are fewer
But I can say I know a few

In spite of these disappointments
A few things remain true
Faithful friends and family
But most of all…you

I once believed in honesty
Got my facts from papers and TV news
Now many are clearly biased
Good reporting is done by the few

I once believed in compassion
Until I saw so many look away
I once believed in hard work
Until big money paved another way

But I still believe in community
To help each other cope
To heal and provide support
To those at the end of their rope


@billwhite51 It will be indistinguishable soon, this stuff is only getting better end the subscription is $10 a month
that vocal converter is awesome. the singing definitely sounds like you, and the conversion doesnt robotify it. the lyric is excellent, although i get tired of people complaining that christianity causes wars. it is, of course, an element in many conflicts..but the pre-christian world was a far bloodier one, a world in which rape and murder among humans was as natural as the behavior of other aggressive animals, and nobody saw killing as wrongdoing.
@bethdesombre Thanks. The vocal conversions are amazing, cannot believe this was actually me.
This is beautiful -- love the arpeggios the underpin the arrangement, and the melody is gorgeous and evocative. (I love the upward movement on "once I believed.") Lyrically the framing works really well -- "once I believed" followed by the things that have dashed that belief . . . but the song giving us things we can still believe in.