Witch Bottle

by @jackketch

Witch Bottle

Liner Notes

#folk #witchy
I’m a History teacher and teach a unit on witchcraft. I read about a ‘witch bottle’ that was dug up on a building site in London a while ago. It was still closed and contained finger nails, urine and other gross stuff. Presumably it was designed to keep witchcraft at bay. I thought it would be fun to imagine a song about it being opened and letting some kind of curse out.
This is a rough first go - I might go back and redo it properly at some point, unless anyone else fancies a go..


Down in the ground where all things go
There was a witch bottle buried there long ago
In the bottle, in a jail of glass
The witch waits to be free at last

Witch bottle, witch bottle
Waiting through the years
Waiting in the cold dark ground
The witch in the witch bottle
Songs her siren song
Hoping to be found
Down there in the ground

But the witch in the ground
Knew to bide her time
For a greedy hand with a feeble mind
And when the witch felt the warmth of sun
The witch knew that her time had come

Witch bottle, witch bottle
Waiting through the years
Waiting in the cold dark ground
The witch in the witch bottle
Songs her siren song
Down there in the ground
And now she has been found

So they took out the stopper and they peered inside
But their eyes grew wide and they ran to hide
For out stepped a witch in robes black as night
And taking out her broom, she took to flight

Witch bottle, witch bottle etc


This is going to be running through my head for the next few hours at least. Well done!
These lyrics were meant for this music, no doubt about it. There's so much juicy energy here; I had to listen twice. Love when your voice sweeps down into that low register for "Now she has been found" Totally agree with others, it needs folk-y harmonies!
Oh my gosh this is so great! Your lyrics are so clever and I love how well they flow! I think the chord progression perfectly suits the vibe as well! Well done!
What a great inspiration for a song! Not that the phrase “greedy hand and a feeble mind” has any recent relevance of course.
Finger nails and urine would keep me away too I feel. Great lyrics and honestly the rough feel really works for it
@daveydesade yes I could hear harmonies too and maybe an accordion but I was just trying to bash out a rough demo. Might do a better version at some point but I’d be very happy for you to have a go - I still love your Manzanillo..
This needs some, finger in ear, folk harmonies. I may need to do another cover :P
love the story! very tight song and nice change up! the lyric really flow out! I would need oxygen to sing this! nice one!
I like the vocal flourishes you add at the end of each line, gives a distinctive character to the delivery. I also love the way the guitar sweeps you forward, really complimenting the storytelling style of the lyrics. Great job!