maitagarrien argiak

by @ayais

Skirmish: Lichterkette (translation... (@mashala)

Liner Notes

Alas, I used GTrans because my confidence in Basque isn't up to snuff.

I have a little recording setup where I am for a few more days, and this was a welcome quick immersion. Thanks for the skirmish, @mashala !

#basque #skirmish #fairies


maitagarrien argiak
muinoan behera noraezean
hondartzara ospakizun batera
Behin han, sua eta beldurrak ezabatzen dira


fairy lights
wandering down the hill
to the beach for a celebration
Once there, fire and fears are extinguished


I always love your vocals.
In Basque, you say?
I've never really heard it in any meaningful way.
I like the little story in the lyrics; so much going on in so few words.
Nice relaxing and welcoming guitar.
Nice little poem, and it sounds very exotic in the Basque language. I like the minimal accompaniment (guitar sounds clear as a bell) and the waltz-like rhythm. Beautiful contemplative song to kick off my morning.
My what a rich and relaxing vocal you have going on there....Love how the voice and guitar just carry each other along so nicely. Very nice
Like the style and a bit of basque to boot! Winner!
I like the guitar stylings here. Lovely song -- feels like an exploration.
I could feel the vanishing of the fears. And I could hear the beach also musically, there was a maj7 chord right? The lyrics are beautiful, I never heard basque before. Thank your for your song!
That guitar pattern is so nice! And I think this is the first song in Basque that I've ever seen on FAWM. :) I like the translated lyrics very much!
agreed with that last comment, love the slow picking you've got going there. I know very little about Basque country but I feel you've gotten a good vibe on it!
Beautiful image, lovely chords and your beautiful voice fits this perfectly. Love the arriving at the end. Thanks for the translation for those of us who don't speak German:)
Love your gentle pick and strum riff and your gorgeous tender vocals. Very beautiful and calming. Nicely done!