Body Talk

by @racheleve

Body Talk

Liner Notes

#loop #loops #blues

Had some fun with my loop pedal and adding a bass and vibraphone line with my keyboard.

Lyrics inspired by some chronic low back pain and imagining what a conversation between the part of me who wants to be just as active as always and the pain/body might sound like.

Also - want to note that I am doing fine and receiving the care I need for the back pain from multiple angles. As anyone who's been on a chronic pain journey probably knows, it can be frustrating and nonlinear. But yes, there is a good dose of hyperbole in the lyrics ;)


Rachel Eve - Feb 2 2025

(Body talk talk body talk to me
Body talk talk body set me free)

You used to make me feel so good
You moved in all the ways the yogis said you should
But now there’s all these creaks and cracks
Feels like you just no longer have my back

I took you to the doctor just the other day
I try to stretch you out in all the helpful ways
Spent all my money at PT
But still you leave me filled with all this misery

Oh when will you talk to me?
Oh when will you set me free?
Where did I go wrong?
I don’t know how much longer I can hold on

Why do you always push me past
The limits I am trying to set, you move so fast
If you’d just listen for a while
Maybe you walk instead of run for the next mile

Oh when will you hear me out?
Oh when will you speak, not shout?
There is nothing that you did wrong
Take off your fighting gloves, stop being so headstrong

Is there a chance that we could mend
This rift inside, it’s been so long since we’ve been friends
Maybe I’m not the enemy
Maybe I am the one who really holds key

Oh now I can talk to you
Oh now we can see it through
Together we can’t get it wrong
A place where we can both belong


Oh, I wish I could send this song to my dear friend, Judy. Not only does she suffer from multiple health issues and can relate to the mysteries of the body, but also for many years she ran an ensemble (and leads workshops) that does "Body Percussion", which is sometimes choreographed performances and sometimes improved movement exercises. Wait, I just realized, also, she writes chants like this and she multitracks her voice and posts online. Wow, she'd really love this. Any way you can email me an mp3, so I can share it with her? she is going through a rough time right now (I was just on the phone with her for an hour.)
I am absolutely loopy for your looper! You make an amazing acapella choir all on your own - and then that bass and vibraphone come in and I’m completely smitten.
Oh, those harmonies. That bluesy slow talky singing above the looping repetition is such an interesting way to represent the way the body’s signals and the talking/analyzing mind interact.
I hope the lyrics are an exaggeration. A great performance. I've never heard a blues done quite like this before - so impressed.
Great bluesy sounding song Rachel. And the vibes give an extra dimension. “Maybe I’m not the enemy “ a familiar feeling. Excellent
Sorry to hear you're in pain - but I guess also it's the sign of a natural songwriter to at least get some material out of it! Love the underlying 'body talk' loop, and the bass/vibraphone introductions move it along really nicely. Fabulous bluesy vocal, feels very free flowing and spontaneous. Great write!
I love the blues-y feeling of this! It seems apropos somehow to the physical creaks and groans.
This really sounds amazing. I get the shivers when hearing it. In a positive way, it reminds me of the band beautiful chorus.