by @brisk
Liner Notes
This suggested itself yesterday, because I thought there should be a rock song called IDIOT STICK. Because I thought that sounded cool. [edit: and it was only after singing it that I realised the not very subtle homophone.. which because I have a mental age of nine, I deemed a promising lyrical jumping-off point.] This was the result. Attacks on easy targets make me wince, and self-righteousness is the emotion I most fear in myself and despise in others, and this song seems to lean pretty heavily in to both.
Ah well. It's a bit ragged in places. That said, I worked on the words more than I usually do. Oh, and @davidtaro, this is a perfect example of me doing that thing that that man talked about in that book [Jeff Tweedy's... How To Write One Song?], you know, singing nonsense, and then trying to work out what wonderful things were being said.
#90s #rocker #easy-targets #self-righteous-indignation
I saw a sour milk mask in the mirror
Then lo! A Day-Glo Nebuchadnezzar
A kinda cane toad-looking sun-downer
(Without the deathbed Rosebud encounter)
I got an idiot stick
cos I'm an idiot
Amidst this endless press of bed-wetters
A child was born with two hands and one pecker
I got an idiot stick
cos I'm an idiot
I got an idiot stick
and I'm not afraid to use it
No fault, no foul
Now I'm breaking new ground
No you never ask how
You're never choosy
I use my brain
I'm ahead of the game
Cherry-picking new rules
so I don't lose it
And though my pale white hands start to tetter
[and in my pale white hand stands a sceptre?]
You must admit, there's no classier leper
I got an idiot stick
cos I'm an idiot
I got an idiot stick
and I'm starting to abuse it
No fault, no foul
Now I'm breaking new ground
No you never ask how
You're never choosy
I use my brain
It's the art of the game
Cherry-picking new rules
so I don't lose it
Nor fish, nor fowl
Now I'm tanking the Dow
Still you never ask how
You're never choosy
First lie, then steal
Just the art of the deal
Cherry-picking whole worlds
so you don't lose it
Right now, the orange-one worms his way into pretty much everything I write, so I've decided to stop fighting it.
Keep on rockin'
Anyway. This is utterly brilliant, isn't it. Particularly the chorus, which is - yes - very route one. Those pounding waves of guitars/drums are awesome. Love how much distortion you're piling on across the mix, it sounds squashed and massive at the same time. Squashy massiveness. 'You must admit, there's no classier leper' is one of my new favourite lines ever.
What book, I must know?
Also, tell me about the guitar work in the song…You?