Don't Be A Creep
Liner Notes
#lo-fi #comedy #pop #fuc #pro-DEI #signsoflife2
Drum sample taken from Matt Berry's 'Interlude 2'
'Signs of Life 2' - Picture taken in Bristol.
I liked this image and I hope you enjoy the song. Sooty, Soo and Sweep are children's TV puppets from 1960s-90s (in the UK).
Don’t you watch your neighbour from a cupboard while he sleeps
Don’t be a creep
Don't engage in saucy talk at work, keep chat sex-free
Don’t be a creep
Don’t share sexual fantasies ‘bout Sooty, Soo and Sweep
Don’t be a creep
Baby, keep your eyes above belt-level, don’t be cheap
Don’t be a creep
Don’t be a C.R.E.E.P.
Don’t you stop and stare at random strangers In the street
Don’t be a creep
And when you see one that you fancy, please don’t shout ‘beep beep’
Don’t be a creep
Don’t act out a midlife crisis when you’re fifty three
Don’t be a creep - Your maths is out
Unless you plan to live until a hundred & twenty
Don’t be a creep - Just close your mouth
Don’t be a C.R.E.E.P.
Never cast another human out onto scrapheap, don't be a creep
Open your portcullis to the battered and the weak, don't be a creep
Never mock someone just ‘cos they’re trying to be deep, don't be a creep
Always lend a helping hand when the path gets steep, don’t be a creep
Don’t be a C.R.E.E.P.
I'm trying to picture you writing the lyrics poundering let's seeeee how else can one be a creep ?
It's funny from line one but the accumulation turns it into metaphysics.
Now metaphysics can be hard to explain with word so I'll try with my very first meme :
Really like the insistence, the repetition, and the fact that although there's something superficially creepy going on musically, this song is the opposite of creepy.