by @berni1954
Skirmish: take a look in the mirror (@fairplay)Liner Notes
A very late entry for this skirmish. I liked the prompt and wrote a draft and got a basic track down within an hour. But today I gave it a more fuller treatment before posting.
Cheap Acoustic Guitar from Lidl - strung as a Nashville Guitar
Sub-Zero Baritone Electric Guitar (tuned one active below a "normal" guitar)
Backing by Band in a Box
#BiaB #Band_in_a_Box #BaritoneGuitar #lookinthemirror
(Am) Take a look in the mirror
Are you (G) happy with what you see?
Take a look in the mirror
You feeling (Am) angst or ecstasy?
Take a look in the mirror if you (Dm) dare
Give that (G) image a good (Am) stare
And (F) weigh up your (G) acceptabili(Am)ty
It's (G) hard to accept who's looking (Am) back
You (Em) fear you're so ugly it could (Am) crack
Or you (G) think that mirror image is God's (Am) gift
From (F) day to day your (G) viewpoint's going to (Am) shift
The (G) you in the mirror is re(Am)versed
That's (Em) not how you look to the uni(Am)verse
You might (G) dream of passing through the (Am) glass
But go ask (F) Alice... (G) what nightmares
might come to (Am) pass
Nar(G)cissus caught his reflection in a (Am) pond
With that (Em)handsome chap he sought more than a (Am)bond
It was a mi(G)rage he saw in the (Am) depths
His ob(F)session with it (G) caused his early (Am) death
Re(F)member that be(G)fore you draw your next (Am) breath