The Great Thing About Being An Adult

by @tcelliott

The Great Thing About Being An Adult

Liner Notes

#slackconversation #acousticonetake #guitalele #kidsonggonewrong #nsfw

Another song from a conversation in the slack chat. This time I didn't go back and steal lines from the conversation, but I probably should have.


The great thing about being an adult
The great thing about being an adult
The great thing about being an adult
No raisins in my cookies

Why would you ruing
A perfect tasty treat
By putting spoilt grapes inside?
You think it's chocolate chips
But then you must retreat
It's the worst kind of surprise

The great thing about being an adult
The great thing about being an adult
The great thing about being an adult
No raisins in my cookies anymore

The great thing about being an adult
The great thing about being an adult
The great thing about being an adult
I don't have to eat oatmeal

The Quaker oatmeal pack
Had a limited choice
Soon only plain was left
The only option left
Will suck away your joy
'Cause you tummy cannot digest that shit

The great thing about being an adult
The great thing about being an adult
The great thing about being an adult
I don't have to eat oatmeal anymore


Aw man... the raisin folks in the chat aren't happy,... but the song is excellent. Such joy here.
I like the happiness in your voice and the glad guitar.

I like raisins, but I have to expect them. If I expect choc chips but they turn out to be raisins - ACK!

SlackChat always inspires, eh?
I think you are on it! It’s choice it’s choice when and what! Disgraceful state of affairs raisins pretending to be choc chips.
I am a raisin enjoyer, but I do understand the sentiment, and you delivered it with great charm.

Being technically able to fire a gun in a voting booth while drunk is also pretty cool, to he fair.

Nice work, buddy, keep going!
Are you an adult? Really? Great song.
Yeah eff those raisins trying to impersonate chocolate chips. GET OUT OF MY COOKIES
Hoo boy, do I relate. I married into a family that embraces all manner of delicious treats marred by interloping fruit - Christmas cake and pudding hot cross buns...

Your melody in the chorus is infectiously fun - great job on that.
lol nice one. I like that guitar lick in between verses. It's such a cool song, because it's like a childish vibe, but as adult it's like you have fun as an adult and it comes out so nicely and very amusing and fun to listen to way. Great song idea and congrats on another song. cheers.