Canto's Farewell

by @hamiltonpoolhall

Canto's Farewell

Liner Notes

#2x4 #amateurhour #themuse
Here's my shot at the 2x4 challenge: my two melodic voices are my voice and my Hybrid Guitars 7-string in mono/baritone mode; my four percussion voices are kick, rack tom, floor tom and ride cymbal. Only, oops, I just realized, I used the crash cymbal too. Epic challenge fail!

The Muse tool gave me "Canto's Farewell," and I used the challenge as an excuse to do a little (very little) written counterpoint to work out the baritone part once I had the melody figured out as a keyboard part.

First complete takes for vocal, baritone and "drums," which I did play in on a real kit but did not really trouble to get the kick lined up with the baritone.

Music geek notes: the drums are a 1960s Ludwig kit with heads that need replacing; I stuck one 414 mic in the general vicinity of the kick, floor tom and ride cymbal but clearly got more ride than I needed. C'est la FAWM!


Canto’s farewell
The fog is burning off for
Canto’s farewell
The boys are turning down the
Lamps in the stairwells
The fog is burning off for
Canto’s farewell

Canto’s farewell
The crows are churning up the
Sky like a bombshell
The boys are fanned out like a
Spill from an oil well
The crows are turning up for
Canto’s farewell

Canto’s farewell
The light’s returning to a
Sky like an inkwell
The boys are laid out like a
Strand full of seashells
The light’s returning now for
Canto’s farewell


yeah, like @richaaaay says, the 'spreading oil' visual is marvelous. The whole thing is a lyrical treasure chest.
I love that counterpoint line against the vocal. The understated delivery of beautiful poetry over the moody, atmospheric textures has echoes of Suzanne Vega. I can’t believe this was all from a muse tool prompt.
wow such interesting imagery throughout. love all the things the boys are doing... it sets such a scene full of rich ideas. really like it!!
I love how you dive full in to FAWM and search out challenges and prompts. That in itself is inspiring. I wouldn't know where to begin with the prompt Canto's Farewell. Really like this line: "The boys are fanned out like a
Spill from an oil well".
Love the rhymes for Canto's farewell (also the fact that you took that on as a title). And your extra lyric flourishes with the mirroring of the first two/last two lines. This is really trippy.
fee fi fo fun!
and figuring out the story is a big part of it (the fun).
Is Canto the last one standing?
to be continued…