◄3► corpus (scientist)

by @burr Mod

◄3► corpus (scientist)

Liner Notes

i'm blowing out the cobwebs by catching up on projects my overloaded 2024 self wasn't able to follow through on last 50/90 challenge.

🚨 weird alert 🚨

i had an ambitious idea to do a #CommentsFirst #Cassette #4Track #Feast so i posted not one but FOUR #Titular titles and let people go nuts.

then, once the prompts came in... i sort of saw a narrative emerge and decided to try a mini "concept EP" that tells a story, on top of the cassette and comment constraints. why? because i'm a glutton for punishment.

this ended up being very ambitious and, while fun, results were mixed. i don't think i'll try this combo of constraints again! 😅 i kinda had to "cheat" from time to time either pre-sequencing some parts in a DAW or playing VST instruments and then routing the audio to the deck, since i don't have (or even know how to play) some of the instruments i was prompted to use.

original comment prompts from last summer:

the tracks & instruments:
T1 ► drum loop + slide bass
T2 ► hacked NES chiptune VST
T3 ► vocals
T4 ► buchla music easel VST

all the songs are:
1 ◄ https://write.fawm.org/songs/309129
2 ◄ https://write.fawm.org/songs/309130
3 ◉ THIS!
4 ► https://write.fawm.org/songs/309132


==== MOAR NOTES ====
this is THIRD in the series. in which the narrator invites his artist soulmate to his research location while he examines the alien artifacts discovered there.

for the slide bass i tuned it DADG and mainly just played the bottom 2-3 strings. once i had tracks 1 & 2 down, it sort felt like a weird beat poet vibe, so i decided to try spoken word for the verses. sorta worked. made it easier to work in imagery of the body. a lot of this was sequenced first in the DAW, but bass, vocals, and the buchla were performed live to tape.

as they say, truth can be stranger than fiction
but it wasn't until i knelt down and felt
the unfamiliar texture of its skeletal hand
so unlike the delicate but well-worn hands of the artist i had come to know
and who now accompanied me at the excavation site
doing “research”
and keeping me company
the scent of ancient earth hung heavy with anticipation
here on precipice of a discovery
here in the luminescent half-light of evening

questions fill my mind
who are they
and who am i
to you?

blend of biological and mechanical evolution
skin cool and smooth to the touch
eyes like polished marble
large and reflective
kind of makes me wonder what others see in my eyes
(other than themselves)
intrigued and unsettled in equal measure
feeling not quite prepared despite years of study
a scene both alien and familiar
arms across the chest
over what we would normally think of as the heart
but i need to know the subject better to be sure…

questions fill my mind
who are theyand who am i
to you?
questions fill my mind
what part of the puzzle did i find
in you?

overcome with humility and wonder
standing at a bridge of worlds
the taste of excitement lingering on my tongue
like the sweet tang of metal
or an alkaline extraterrestrial element we have yet to discover
or come to understand
of give a name
like evanescion
or mythate
or solamere
or yearnium


Okay, yeah, just reading those comment constraints makes my stomach hurt - but listening to the initial spoken word piece I lean in like my little kid self listening to my clock radio in the dark, then the singier parts feel like the wider sense of trying to understand what the grown ups were going on about. I can remember shivering on a beach around a bonfire near San Francisco and deciding that if I was that cold, I might as well be swimming in the ocean. It was the right choice for me. This project reminds me of that, if writing feels hard or pointless or whatever pile on the constraints until it is absolutely impossible and then do it anyway. Way to shortcircuit the logic board and dive in.
I did not expect a slide basa to sound so cool. Abd prope for getting a cool sound out of that Buchla Easel, I struggled so much with it!
I feel like I should listen from the beginning to appreciate the ambitious scope of the series -- but this is plenty ambitious all on its own! And I was eager to hear the one I contributed a comment to. I adore the language play and the narrative voice. The spoken word is fitting over the slide bass and sonic diversions. The contrasting hands is a particularly striking image!
When I first listened lst night I was drawn by the spoken word delivery and the alien elements. My favorite is yearnium.
Your prompts all seem quite ok, until Charlie chips in 🤣
Spoken word really hits the spot here, doesn't it? And the slide bass provides such a weirdly wonderful glue.
There's such depth to this one. Deffo my favourite of the 3 so far...
Yasss more 8-bit delight! And some poetry slam soaring over it all…really cool
Yet another cool tune, don’t know if it’s the slide bass and spoken verses but instantly made me think of Morphine in an alternate trip-hop 8 bit universe
I'm totally into this narrative and also that was a really sick chiptune breakdown ;)
I am absolutely taken with this narrative now! I love that every song has had its own feel in this EP so far as well.