Portuguese Conversation
Liner Notes
There's been quite the gap since my last song, so I'm trying to catch up. This is an #experimental track, mainly based around a shortwave recording I made just about a half hour previous to uploading this. I have no idea if the conversation actually is in Portuguese, but I was using a virtual tuner on the internet based in Brazil, hence the title. Hopefully nothing obscene was said. Sorry if there was...
Enjoyed this, agreed with @heuristicsinc that it feels a little surfy, both for the insistent instrumentation and also the swoosh of those sadly unsurfable short waves!
I don't speak Portuguese so I guess I have no idea either. It's almost surf music, a little more delay/reverb and this would be shortwave surf. Then it all changes! I do really like the sound of the voices and how they work with the instrumental track.
Sounds great and adds urgency and intrigue to what is probably a perfectly normal conversation.
Whoa, then we're at the circus for a bit...
Yeah, I enjoyed this a lot.