Parasites & Flies
by @brisk
Liner Notes
I'm a bit lukewarm on this one, but it has been hanging around a few days and isn't going to improve like a fine wine or cheese or anything, so why not stick it up? Note that I wouldn't have any idea how to play this live - although the guitar is real (because it is out of tune and badly played)*, I had to pitch shift the chorus to make it work, and there's a gratuitous key change towards the end I think that I'd find hard to replicate in real life as I'm not good enough.
I was pleased with that altered chord in the final chorus, is that fun or just hackneyed?
#slow #slight-air-of-menace #superficial-or-plain-incoherent-political-comment
* actually no, I doubled it with a fake acoustic guitar to give it more welly, so this isn't quite true.
The cockroach of Versailles
The Lambeth Palace flies
Gonna hold a mirror up to England
When we're done
Gonna hold a mirror up to England
For the sun